Plug into Cargar!

Let's power up together for a better tomorrow.


kWh energy consumed for development


Research hours invested


Companions in our journey so far

We believe in..

We are building Cargar with an intention to make electric vehicle charging easy, sustainable and convenient to have more electric vehicles on the road without any hassle of charging.

We believe that we can't treat the electric vehicles similar to ICE vehicles when it comes to refueling or charging. EVs take time to juice up which might bind the users at a fixed location and this is a grassroot problem that makes users anxious. Where we at are utilizing that 80%- 90% of the vehicles lifetime when it is parked at your home or office or any other place to charge them utilizing green energy.

We are Clean Green & Fast.

Our Story

Company inception

Started on the whiteboard, with the mission to simplify the process of EV charging by providing sustainable and net-zero solutions through portable and flexible EV charging technology.

First grant

First working prototype

Successfully began intensive research and development on portable fast EV charging technology, a fast portable charging technology that can be hailed to your vehicle.

Second grant

Third grant

Research and development

Built Cargar day-by-day.

Second prototype testing

The hardware technology platform development for 100% off-grid fast energy delivery to power anything electric.

First failure

Many things went wrong.

Second failure

A few things went wrong.

Nth failure

Very few things went wrong.

First success

Everything worked at last!

First sales

First investment


Be a part of our next MILESTONE as a..

Empowering EV adoption with sustainable charging solutions.

We offer flexible green energy delivery options, dedicated to creating a sustainable support infrastructure for global electric vehicle growth. Our solutions target a net reduction in GHG emissions from road transportation, targeting at least 30% net zero charging through on-demand charging services and up to 60% net zero charging with solar integrated chargers by 2030.

Meet the team

Raj Anupam

Business, Technology & Innovation

Kayavan Shah

Finance & Operations

Our Mentors & Advisors


Abhinav Kapadia


Dr. Omkar Jani

Reliance Solar

Nalin Agarwal

Founding Partner
Climate Collective

Pulkit Dhingra

Founder & CEO
AHAsolar Technologies Ltd.

Our incubators

Recognized & supported by